longline fishing gears(equipments), nylon fishing line : Linetec Korea Ind

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Tuna Hooks
   Tuna hook with ring
   Tuna hook/ Swordfish
   Tuna circle hook
   Tuna hook / Skipjack
   Tuna hook / Maguro
   Tuna hook / Mero
   Tuna hook / LTK type
   E-Z Baiter circle hook
   Trolling line pole fishing hook
   Mahi Mahi fish hook
   Snapper fish hook
   Shark hook
   Gaff hook
   Lip sea 'A' type
   Lip sea 'B type
   Treble hook
   Double looe
   Round bent sea hook
   Kirby sea hook
   O'shaughnessy hook
   Limerick hook
   Beak hook(Octopus)
   Baiterholder hook
   Hook Terminology
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Monofilament Main & Branch line
Tuna hooks
Fishing Swivels
Light stick
Sea & Strobe Light
Longline Fishing Gears & Accossories
Commercial Fishing Equipment
Squid Fishing System & Equipment
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Use when tuna longline fishing(Albacore, Bigeye & Yellowfin tuna etc...)
Our stainless steel Tuna hook are unrivalled in quality value.

- SIZE : #3.0, #3.2, #3.4, #3.6, #3.8 , #4.0